Is Franchising Just Another Fad? (This post first appeared as a Modaxo article) Greater Manchester recently announced they were moving to a franchised transport model, making it the first city in the UK outside of London to do so. The news made headlines and put a...
ITxPT and Intelligent Transport Systems: The Connected Journey Begins Here This post first appeared on LinkedIn by Paul Attenborough. Public transport is speeding towards an exciting new future: one where easily, seamlessly connected vehicles will finally deliver on...
Mark Wild of Crossrail UK on Getting an at Risk Rail Project back on Track What do you do when you’re given the reins of one of the biggest rail projects in history that’s three years late and well over budget? How do you take something that has gone...
Trapeze UK Conference: Spring Update for Demand Responsive Transport Customers – An Event Recap We were thrilled to be able to reconnect with our Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) customers at the recent Trapeze UK Conference – Spring Update, which took...
Trapeze UK Conference: Spring Update for Novus Customers – An Event Recap Regular communications are vital in the current predominantly virtual world. That was the thinking behind the recent UK Conference: Spring Update for Trapeze’s Local Authority clients,...
E-scooters: A Secret Weapon in the Sustainable Mobility Revolution? This post first appeared on LinkedIn by Paul Attenborough. The recent arrival of electric scooters (e-scooters) on the streets of London marks a fascinating new development in the transformation of...