North East Lincolnshire Reaps Benefits from Flex Routes Trapeze has been actively working with the Phone ‘n’ Ride Service in North East Lincolnshire for a number of years with the aim to improve the efficiency of Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) in the area. Through...
Restoring Confidence in Bus Services: 4 Tools to Help As services begin to resume and life starts to look a little more like ‘normal’, restoring passenger confidence will be one of the greatest challenges for local authorities and bus operators. Digital alerts are...
Surrey County Council’s Total Commitment to Passenger Information Surrey County Council showed laudable commitment to delivering accurate real-time information throughout the pandemic. Senior Transport Officer Alison Houghton explains how it was achieved. While the...
The Role of Demand Responsive Transport During and After COVID-19 As the UK begins to move towards an exit from COVID-19 lockdown, provision of safe transport services will come very much to the fore. The entire public transport industry has of course been turned...
Contact Tracing in PASS Contact tracing isn’t just an important part to any pandemic plan, it’s also one of the key components required before easing of social restrictions can occur and life can begin to return to a more normal state. To keep their communities safe,...