Trapeze Releases New Yard Manager Solution for Duty Allocation (DAS)

by Mar 2, 2022Blog

CHIPPENHAM, UK, MARCH 2, 2022 – Trapeze Group UK has officially released DAS Anywhere: Yard Manager, the first module within its new Cloud-based Duty Allocation System, DAS Anywhere.

DAS Anywhere: Yard Manager is set to transform bus depot run-out through a simple, easy to use solution that enables operators to manage vehicle roll-out from the yard itself, dramatically reducing depot costs associated with real estate, buildings, power, desk space and more.

The system optimises depot efficiency, ensures yard safety, and paves the way for electric fleets by enabling staff to ensure all vehicles are always fully charged ready for the next day’s work.

As well as offering exciting new functionality, Yard Manager is notable for being the first module developed within Trapeze’s new DAS Anywhere framework, which is intended to deliver greater flexibility and efficiency of bus operations.

As with all DAS Anywhere modules, Yard Manager is completely compatible with Trapeze’s existing Duty Allocation System (DAS), enabling operators to implement powerful new functionality without wating for a whole new system.

James Grashoff, General Manager at Trapeze said: “DAS Anywhere has been built from the ground up to meet real client requirements. We have undertaken numerous sessions with our customers to understand in detail the work undertaken by bus operator staff and the processes they go through.

“This insight is central to the development of the entire DAS Anywhere system. We have focused on creating a solution which empowers Duty Allocators and bus depot staff to do their work more quickly and effectively. The fruits of this exercise are clear within Yard Manager and the upcoming DAS Anywhere modules, next of which is Fatigue Manager.”

Pete Adney, the Trapeze Software Consultant and former bus operator manager who has been central to the customer engagement process, said: “With Yard Manager we are putting the solution in the hands of the team, and putting both the team and the solution where they are needed most – in the yard. The vehicles and drivers have always been at the coalface of operations, and now so is DAS.”

To find out more about Yard Manager, please visit 


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