End-to-End Security Built into the Solution

by Aug 4, 2023Article, Blog

With predictions estimating that the world will generate 181 zettabytes by 2025, the significance and global influence of data is only set to increase. Growing in value every day, it is poised to be worth $273.4 billion by 2026.

Figures like these demonstrate that data is an extremely valuable commodity. And as with all valuable commodities, it is vulnerable to threats. According to statistics, cyber attacks rose 38% in 2022 compared to the previous year; the first attack of 2023 came just 12 days into the year with the ransomware incident on Royal Mail that led to international shipping being suspended for five days.

Much like Royal Mail, Intermodal Transport Control Systems (ITCS) are part of the critical infrastructure for any large city. A breach of data would be equally detrimental to operations. Security attacks could quickly lead to an outage of the back office, meaning that bus drivers can’t make emergency calls. Additionally, being unable to access the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) would have a knock-on effect to the availability of real-time information. Without this information, passengers would be unable to predict when their bus is arriving, leading to a loss of confidence in public transport and a decrease in ridership.

So how do you protect your data from malicious intent? One way is to ensure that your security system is as robust as it can be , plus compliant with leading industry security standards.

At Trapeze, we offer end-to-end security. Unlike other suppliers, we don’t layer our security software on top, we build it straight into the system. This prevents intrusion and false data, keeping systems safe, upholding their integrity, and enabling secure maintenance.

We use Linux, which is widely known for its security parameters. Our operating system cannot be compromised, manipulated, or stolen – it keeps data safe and consistent, allowing operations to run smoothly all day every day.

However, we recognise that data threats and cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, so we continue to focus on security throughout the lifecycle to ensure that we are at the cutting edge of data protection.

Data has many unique properties — compared to other resources, it doesn’t deplete or deteriorate, it can be used and re-used, and it provides insights that we have never been able to access before, making it an invaluable asset to any operator. With cyber-attacks on the rise, keeping data secure is more important than ever. With Trapeze’s end-to-end security solution, you can be confident that your data is safe, ensuring operations run as normal and provide a reliable, trustworthy bus network for passengers.

Get in touch today to speak to us about end-to-end security.

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